Blast Canada Inc.
Blast Canada Inc.
Exterior Smoke & Soot Damage Restoration.
Smoke Damage restoration should begin as soon as possible after the Fire. Acid soot and smoke residues begin to cause corrosion and discoloration in just minutes. If you've had a fire in your Home or Business, the clean -up probably seems overwhelming. The sooner we can remove the Smoke, Soot and Residues, the easier it will be to achieve a satisfied restoration.
Smoke Damage on Concrete!
Smoke Damage on Concrete!
A car caught fire on this driveway leaving Burnt Rubber, Antifreeze, Oil, and Battery Acid Stain baked into the surface of the Driveway. In order to remove as much of the staining as possible we used several process to restore the surface of the driveway.
​Re​storing the Driveway to a Like New Look.
​Re​storing the Driveway to a Like New Look.
After the multi-step cleaning we were able to remove most of the burn marks & stains without damaging the surface of the concrete.
Close up showing the complete removal of all of the Smoke and Soot Damage.
When a fire occurs in modern buildings the fuel burned is not just wood and natural fibres, but also plastics, chemicals and other
man-made substances that leaves a toxic, gooey residue everywhere that the smoke permeated. Wood ash is acidic enough, throw in a handful of chemicals and you've got a witch's brew of residues to clean up.
Using our Multi-Step Cleaning Process we are able to completely remove the staining returning the Stucco back to it's original look without having to repaint the wall.
The Kitchen fire covered both the Stucco Wall and the Aluminium siding above the window. A combination of Vapor Blasting and Cleaning removed the staining from both the Stucco and Siding leaving no residue.